Friday, December 31, 2010

Watch The New Years Ball Drop Online

Do you have no TV connection to watch the NYE ball drop live from a network of your choice. There is this site:
They will be streaming the ball drop live online later on today. Now you won't have to miss it just because you don't have TV.

In the meantime you can check you this very cool flash animation:
If your pc isn't very fast you may want to just watch the video it's the same thing you just don't need to render it.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Free Beats, Loops, Samples, Acapellas, and More

I have found this site called Looperman it is a very good site if you are looking for some beats or loops and the are all free to use. This site works by users generating material and posting for others to use with their musical works or whatever they are using them for. I particularly because they have quite a large selection and there is a pretty defined search engine to help you find just what you are looking for. They one drawback with sites like these are that you will need to create a free account to enable you to download things. I find that this site is very useful and use it fairly often to create my music.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Upgrading A Super Computer

Have you ever wondered what it takes to upgrade those big super computers? Well in this video you can see how much work it is to upgrade the processors. If you would like more info on the video it can be found here:

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Effects Of Spiders On Drugs

I find this to be pretty interesting. Seems as though they gave the spiders drug laced flies and then observed how different their webs would become from the affect of the drug they were given.

Also here is a video that has more of a humor based background to it.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Collection Of Psychadelic GIF's

This site has a great collection of animated gif's that are sure to blow your mind with all the colors and odd motions.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Story Of A Bear

This video is a very good short little film about how a small bear gets trapped by a mountain lion and has to scamper for his life.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Are You Weird?

(Click image to enlarge)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Top 10 PC Case Mods

I have been into modding things for awhile and really love some of the concepts that some people can come up with. Case modding can really spice up a a case thats old and plain or if you just need better air flow because you are overclocking or your case just needs a bit of better flow to it. Whatever your reason is I present to you The Top 10 PC Case Mods.

Here is one that I did about a year or 2 ago:



I hope you enjoyed these cases as much as I did. Have fun and stay safe.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Yes Men Fix The World

If you have not heard of "The Yes Men" before or only know a little bit, This is a must see. It is about two guys that preform hoaxes on major companies pointing out their faults or trying to promote better ways of thinking.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Is Your Password Secure?

Is your password strong enough from a brute force attack or similar? You may want to check out this article about how long it would take to break a password based on how you format it.

Put Color Back Into Your Black and White Photos

I was looking for some good Photoshop tutorials and I came across this one that shows how you can put color back into your black & white photos. This could be very useful if you have a lot of black & white pictures or just a fun thing to do. Also this tutorial will show you what you can do with some of the tools.

Also here are some other Tutorials for Gimp and Photoshop. Some I have written some I didn't (should be clear which ones).

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Call Of Duty/ COD Fans Enjoy

I have found a site that has pictures of tons of different guns big and small. I am sure you will enjoy seeing what all these guns look like close up in-picture real.

PPSh-41 Submachine Gun

An interesting Take On Red Riding Hood

I found this very interesting flash video that was about the story of Red Riding Hood. A bit of a darker version but still was very good and is very much worth watching if you have the time for a quick 5-10 minute video.

Friday, December 3, 2010

A Very Cool Midevil Castle Smashing Game

The game is Sieger and the object of the game is to smash castles to kill the guys inside, but on some of the levels there are guys with a (!) over their head and if you hurt them you will lose and have to start the level over again. It's a very fun game and takes a bit of strategy to achive a gold medal in all of the levels. If your bored try your best at some Sieger. You can also make your own levels and play levels that others have created too. It's a great game that you can keep on playing for a long time and it will always be fun and interesting.

Koreans Take Starcraft Seriously

Found this very interesting article on Cracked about how they have a professional Starcraft team and actually hold tryouts to become apart of the team. Also to hold up against these guys evenly you will need about a 200- 300 APM (Actions Per Minute). They also have a Starcraft team in their military services so that top players can still serve their mandatory time in the armed forces without having to lose practice.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Philosophy Database

A very good collection of articles on Philosophy, Science, God and also some others. Good site to bookmark and keep for a bit of deep reading when in the mood or you can keep it handy in case you are in need of some information in the future.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Very Cool Online Clocks

I found these really two amazing online clocks. They are not just your normal boring round thing that says what time it is. These are kinda artsy but should satisfy your needs.

Ring Clock


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Open Source and Freeware

Where to find the best sources to find Open Source and Freeware programs? Yes there are many places out there that have huge lists of free software but how do you know what is good and what isn't? Well a lot of the time you would need to just test them out to see what is best but a lot of us geeks try out many pieces of software and thus can help out other sort through these messes. Below are some links to sites that will have a great deal of programs but are laid out very nicely.

Need Extra Help Studying?

Do you need more help studying? You read all the information but still don't remember it for the tests. I have found a site that can help you in many area's of learning even if you are not a student anymore.

Monday, November 29, 2010

What Should We Drink Tonight?

Not sure what you want to drink but have more than enough supplies? Well I found this web page today that can help you out very much. you just select all of the ingredients that you have and it will tell you what kinds of drinks you can make.

Beautiful Art Work By Chema Madoz

These are some very cool creative arts works. I find it amazing what some people can do with their artistic talent.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Mind Of A Geek

Are we insane? Or do we just run our brains with too much logic so we can block out certain types of thought processes. In thus we can make different decisions more logic based without other mind controlling factors coming into play. We as geeks are different in many ways from the "norm" as you can call it. We tend to spend a lot of our time on our computers; well you may say that a lot of businesses have employees working on computers all day too. The difference would be that the geek will be reading about the computer and how it works and the employee will just be using the machine. For the average person knowing how a computer really works doesn't really appeal that much to them, for the geek on the other hand it is this complex mess that needs to be figured out so you can obtain the most understanding on how things work. This list was inspired by the idea that we understand many things as geeks that the norm doesn't so maybe they can learn more about us and maybe understand that there is operation behind our madness.

The List Of 20 Geek Things

1. Some how as a geek I have come across many problems that I have never faced but somehow knew how to complete the task as if I have done it many times before.

2. You will find that a geek will know exactly whats wrong with your computer with you just giving a very brief description. (Not the case with major problems)

3. A geek will know more about your computer than you do in only 5 minutes of use.

4. Most geeky forget that you "can" navigate with a mouse and not just the keyboard.

5. Somehow we know all the hot keys in every OS.

6. Sometimes we can find it hard to grasp small concepts when we've been thinking so complex all day

7. For a geek reading is something that you can't get enough of. (Doesn't matter what it is there is just that desire to know more.)

8. A geek is never afraid to open up a computer case just to see whats inside. (Most of us run our machines with the sides off all the time, call it easy access.)

9. We are always looking for new things to mod or fix, always love a new challenge.

10. Wishing there was more time in the days to learn and build.

11. As a geek we tend to think of a lot of information as well known to the general public, but they really have no idea what your talking about.

12. Most geeks will not have the top of the line systems, but they will still run just as fast.

13. We know a lot more than just PC's, we will find any information useful.

14. Always looking for more new information to learn and use.

15. We can easily skip a meal or a nights sleep due to reading or finding something new to try out and the hours just fly like minutes.

16. They can be the most helpful people, because sometimes they are just happy to see people and your computer problem helps you relate to them.

17. Never underestimate the mind of a geek they will surprise you.

18. If it's not possible we will make it possible, if you think back most item we use today were thought impossible at one time.

19. Can remember number sequences better than peoples names.

20. Befriend them if possible, you can learn a great deal of information. Though they may seem a bit kooky at times.

All in good fun, I hope that you enjoyed it. Now get out and start reading and learning about everything and anything. The internet is a vast source of knowledge use it to your advancement.

Truisms From Jenny Holzer

This Site hosts a very good list of some life truths and understandings you learn along the way. I hope you can enjoy them just as much as I have.

Some of my favorites:





Saturday, November 27, 2010

Some Very Amazing Street Art

When I first saw this it made me recoil and look through twice to three times. Very cool art styles I would love to see some of this around where I live. Definitely spice things up a bit from the old and boring.

Art: Mark Jenkins

Quantum Theory Lectures

Quantum Theory with Hans Bethe, these are a couple video lectures from Hans Bethe on his theories and perspectives on Quantum Theory. They are a good listen and a ton of good information.

Friday, November 26, 2010


I came across this site just the other day and thought it was very cool and also interesting as for most illusions on the page there is an explanation on how it works. Below is an illusion from the site.

This Image appears to move when you move either farther or closer from it.

Open Source Windows Programs

The Site I Found While browsing has a very good list of Open-Source Windows programs. If you don't know what open source is you can learn more here:

Another site that has a lot of good "Free" (Non-Open Source) programs.

Thinking About Starting To Program?

I've been reading about programming and doing a bit myself for a while now but still haven't grasped it enough to create some of the more complex programs that I would like to be writing. So I was thinking that I could post up some of the articles that are helping me get back into it again. Most of the articles are on Python but even if you don't want to learn that specific language it still may be helpful to read a little ways into it. You will still get most of the same logic training using others too.

Learning Python in 10 Minutes

Beginners Guide/Non-Programmers

Instant Hacking

A Byte of Python

20 Tree Houses That Will Blow Your Mind

This site i found has a collection of a bunch of tree houses that could be lived in just like a normal home but up it a tree. Some of these spectacular houses have bridges that go from tree to tree with small buildings in each tree.

Music In Windows

This is a cool piece made only from the sounds in Windows. Take a look you will be impressed I can assure you.

Household Hacks Using Everyday Items In ways you wouldn't think

Found this bit of information to be pretty useful. Most of the item you will have inside of your home and wouldn't even think to use them in some ways. Like cleaning a CD with tooth paste or cleaning your shower with dryer sheets. There are many uses for a lot of household items other than what they were intended for if you know of some that are not on the link posted I would like to hear them in the comments below.

The Tenth Dimension - How To Get There

From the site there is a video that explains all about the different dimensions and how it could be possible to get to them by folding through the universe. It's a good little video to watch and you may even learn something new.

A Great Site For Uploading Your Own Music.

SoundCloud is a very good website that lets you upload songs or other audio tracks for free and stores them in your very own little account. You can from there share your tracks with whoever you so choose and you can also view other tracks that other people have created. It is very user friendly and uploads your tracks so fast that they will be done before you can fill in all the info. A very good site to check out if you are looking to get your music out or just looking to find so new music.

you can check out some of my created works here:

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Top 10 Freeware Programs

This is a list of the top 10 freeware programs that I use on a day to day basis. This list might have some stuff you already know of because some of these are pretty known but there should be some new ones too. Also if you have suggestions on things you use leave a message in the comments below. So without further ado lets get this started.

1. The most used freeware program I use is the Firefox browser. I really like this browser and have been using it for the past 3-4 years and has been great since day one. Firefox is cool because of all the add-ons and tweaks you can do to it. Thus creating a personalized environment for the user.

2. Google Chrome is another browser that I use. I haven't been using Chrome that long yet but really like how fast it is and how you can search right out of the search bar. Also the reason that I like to use two browsers is that somethings work better in other browsers.

3. XBMC or formally know as Xbox Media Center and thats just what it is a media center. One of the main reasons that I use XBMC is that I wanted a way to be able to watch movies across my home network on my television using a PS3. I like this program but one problem that I run across while using it on the pc is it uses a lot of cpu power to run so it can get a bit slow at times. It works good across the network to a PS3 or Xbox and you can stream pictures and music too.

4. iTunes music player is one that I use on the daily the one reason that I started using iTunes was because I bought a iPod and needed it to put music on it. Later down the road I seemed to like it more and more but right now it is getting a bit bogged down but still runs fine on older machines. I also like how iTunes can share it's library with other iTunes running on different pc's over the network thus only having to save your library on one computer.

5. Avira Antivir Personal anti-virus is a great free virus scanner. I really like how user friendly it is and updates and scans all on its own through scheduling that you setup. Also it's always looking for things that are suspicious and asks you about it.

6. Format Factory is a file conversion program for just about all media file types. I use this program for just about all file converting that I do. This is one program that comes very handy when you have file types that wont work in certain programs and changed into a format the program can read.

7. Gimp image editing software is a very powerful program that needs little resources to run on and compares to Adobe Photoshop in what you can do in the program. I have been using both Photoshop and Gimp for awhile but almost seem to like Gimp better. Gimp just seems to be easier to do things and get great effects.

8. CCleaner is a great little program to help you system out by doing a bit of cleaning and getting rid of things that are bogging your system down or just to tidy up. CCleaner has many different options that you can choose from and other features that are helpful like adjusting the programs on start up to uninstalling unused programs.

9. Revo Uninstaller is a great tool for fully uninstalling programs because it searches your hard disk to find all of the stuff that the programs uninstaller left behind. There are 3 different modes to choose from according to how you would like to scan your system after the uninstall is complete.

10. VLC Media Player is a very lite program for playing media files of all different types. I mainly use this program for watching movies because I have iTunes for all my musical needs. I like how I can watch so many different file types under one piece of software and it doesn't need very many resources from your computer so it can be used even on outdated machines.

There you have it a full list of 10 free programs that you should check out if you haven't already or give them another chance. This is just a list of things that I have found and really like and use all of the time and have worked great for me. If you want to add something you think I should check out or have something you would like to voice throw down a comment down below.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Evolution Of A Programmer

This was something I thought was a bit funny and thoughtful about programming. It's a list of different steps of programming and if you know even a little programming you should get the gist of it. Here it is:

If you would like to learn about programming I learned a lot from this pdf tutorial.
This is the site it comes from:

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Listen To Any Song For Free With Grooveshark

Grooveshark is a site that works kind of the same way as Pandora Radio works but you can select the songs that you want to listen to and not just listen to things like your song played in a radio fashion. Grooveshark also has this feature but you need to turn it on. All you need to do is search and your ready to be listening in no time. Go there now and start listening to all of your favorite songs all at your fingertips.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Fix A Laptop Cable

Awhile back a friend of mine came over to my house with their puppy to just hang out for a bit. After they left I remember seeing my laptop cord was chewed on and went to see if it still worked but no luck on my part it was ruined. I was just going to buy a cord but they are so expensive and to make it a little worse my laptop only runs off the cord because the battery can't hold a charge anymore. But atlas I tried something that seemed worth a try and came out working just as before. Just the cord is a little patched up.

Things needed:
broken cord
wire cutter
razor/knife (to strip the wires if no tool for it)
electrical tape

The tools needed to fix the cord

First what you will need to do is use a wire cutter and cut the cord on both sides of the bad part on the wire. Then you need to strip the plastic outer coating off to show the wires inside. You can do this with a razor blade or a knife just try not to cut any of the wires on the inside when doing this.

Cords stripped and separated

Depending on which side of the cord is bad what you need to do is just tie the alike wires together (color coded or different styles). To tie the wires together you can use electrical tape. Just twist the wires together and then tape em' up. Tape the different sets of wires separate from each other. Once you are done with this you can tape all the wires together just make sure that none of the wires are showing through and can touch the other wires. This can short things out and then you would have to redo everything.

Cord all tied up with electrical tape

After everything is taped up it's ready to test it out and see if you have done it correctly. You may not want to have it plugged into your laptop on the first attempt to plug the cord into the wall. If everything is good no sparks or anything unusual you can then plug in to your laptop. If all is good you should see the lights come on to notify you that the computer is being charged. You are now done and have saved on a bit of money by not having to buy a new cord.

Up and running fine

Thursday, September 16, 2010

I'm Back :)

It's been a bit of a rough time trying to post stuff up on here due to the fact that I have not had a Internet connection other than my cell phone. Now I am back up and running and hope to be posting more frequently.

This is something that I found the other day and is pretty cool : It's a fractal zoomer but has many effects and such that you can change to however you like. Also it moves to the music that is playing on your computer too.